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L'art de vie ayurvédique - AYURVEDIC DISCOVERY CURE with David and Marie Faure

Double stay open to all

FROM: 2790 €
DURATION: 14 days / 13nights
DATES: 04/01/2025 to 17/01/2025
NB OF PARTICIPANTS: 12 personnes

Immerse yourself in authentic India with our themed stay that invites you to discover and adopt the Ayurvedic art of living.

This unique journey harmoniously combines :

Yoga & Meditation : Introduce yourself to the ancient practices of yoga and meditation to regain balance and inner serenity.

Ayurveda & Wellness : Discover Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine, with personalized treatments and advice for a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Travel & Discovery: Discover India's cultural and natural treasures. Each local outing is a spiritual and cultural immersion in Indian life, whether through its cuisine, breathtaking landscapes, sacred monuments or traditional crafts.

Let us guide you on this enriching adventure, where each day is an invitation to discover new facets of yourself and to live in harmony with nature and your environment.


My master Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati called me Ekarshi Sarva Atma Mithra, which means: the singular path, friend of the world. I am a yoga teacher specializing in the study of sacred texts such as the Samkhya, the Yoga Sutras, the Upanishads and the Bhagavat Gîta.

The Guru in India is what we in the West call a therapist or shamanic healer. His way of working is to actively go to the root of suffering and remove it. "Gu" means darkness or ignorance of one's true identity, "ru" means to remove, to clear. A Guru leads the person to light, to consciousness and to self-knowledge.

My teaching is in the lineage (parampara in Sanskrit) of the Advaita Vedanta school of thought (non-duality) of Aadi Sankara and Guru Narayana, Guru Nataraja and Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati. The essence of this teaching is that the pursuit of one's own happiness should contribute to the happiness of others.


The center manager who will be present during the stay


The doctor who will look after you during your stay


A practitioner of Martial Arts and Meditation for over 30 years, I came across Yoga and ReiKi at a time of transition in my life when I was experiencing health problems. During my ReiKi initiation, I had a mystical experience of unconditional love. As my practice progressed, other mystical experiences brought me to the awareness that an Energy harmonizes the Universe to which we belong and of which we are the creation.

After my recovery and regular practice for myself, I'm invited to share my ReiKi practice in the line of Mikao Usui, as a 3rd degree practitioner, currently preparing for mastery.

Yoga and children's yoga teacher trained by Micheline Flak's school. I also offer Yoga Therapy, trained by Dr Lionel Coudron. I also offer psychoanalytical/psychosomatic therapy and relaxation therapy in my practice.

I also use sound therapy (in individual or group sessions on sound journeys), which is very powerful for re-tuning the body through vibration using tuning forks, Tibetan bowls and crystal bowls.

I accompany people on their life journey to discover their true identity and take care of themselves.

I'm also the founder of the NaturaBienEtre association, which helps children in schools and adults on their way to natural well-being, not forgetting people who are away from yoga studios for health reasons, and supporting carers with the Solidarité pour le Bien-Etre association with Carole.

In my quest to practice yoga as part of a spiritual and traditional path, I've had the good fortune to meet Ekarshi Sarva Atma Mithra, a wonderful encounter that has given life to the organization of these exceptional initiatory stays, to which it's a pleasure to welcome you.


With a background as a biology research engineer, understanding how the human body works and how it interacts with what's around it fascinates me. That's why I turned to microbiology and immunology as a research engineer.

However, when I was in high school, on a youth pilgrimage to Israel, I had a mystical experience of unconditional love that shaped my life. From that moment on, I knew deep down that there was something coordinating the world that science can't yet explain.

Strongly attracted by energetics, I started my Reiki initiation (the Universal Energy received and transmitted by Mikao Usui) in 2018 and from there, many new doors opened to me.

I was also shaped by illness, first as a teenager, then at the age of 40, I developed autoimmune diseases, which also led me on my path of development, pushing me to look at who I really was, to pause in my life to observe it and look at what was good for me.

Since then, I've never stopped wanting to help people be who they really are, and to help them live experiences that correspond to them, unique experiences. To do this, I accompany them through energetic karmic liberation, channelling the points of blockage present at the time of our interview and cutting the links that connect them to their past lives or transgenerational transmissions. I also use sound therapy (in individual or group sessions on sound journeys), a powerful tool for re-tuning the body through vibration with therapeutic tools such as tuning forks, Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls... I also practice Reiki and various energy tools depending on what is best for the person.

That's why it's so important to me to accompany you on this journey, so that you can enjoy a unique experience of self-discovery.

your international flights

International flights are deliberately not included in the package, to give you the freedom to extend your trip. The price of the package is therefore presented excluding flights. We can, however, manage and book your flights on request, with additional program fees to be expected.

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Your accommodation

Located just 1h15 from Trivandrum airport, the Amrita Bindhu Ekarshi Sarva Atma Mithra Ashram offers a unique wellness experience, combining traditional Indian charm with modern comforts.

The house is also the main living quarters for Sarva Atma's family, along with his wife Sumi. Originally Sarva Atma's family home, you'll see portraits of his parents. It's a reassuring cocoon in the heart of Indian life. You can recharge your batteries or take part in spiritual workshops. Evenings around the brazier offer moments of conviviality and sharing under the Indian stars.

And as for your taste buds, the center prepares seasonal meals using fresh, vegetarian and tasty produce, highlighting the rich, authentic flavors of Kerala's cuisine.
Classic, non-peppery spices.
Encapsulated or boiled water at will. (it is preferable to avoid eating/drinking outside the center to avoid any inconvenience)

You'll enjoy a unique experience combining serenity, reconnection with your body and your heart, in a haven of well-being dedicated to your needs. A center accustomed to receiving Europeans, which will bring you security and serenity.

day 1 - Welcome to kerala!

On arrival at Trivandrum airport, you will be met by a cab from the center. (flights not included)
After approximately 1h30 drive, you will arrive at the center for your wellness stay.

You'll check into your rooms and, after a well-earned rest, visit the center and its various facilities. You'll also be briefed on the day-to-day organization.

Sarva Atma and her team will welcome you with a welcome drink to exchange ideas with the other group.

Local outings and activities are carefully balanced to provide you with plenty of surprises and enable you to discover all facets of local life: culture, customs, cuisine, natural landscapes, temples, spirituality, philosophy, medicine and crafts...

Let us surprise you and take you on a journey of discovery of others... and of yourself!

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DAY 2 to day 13

6.30am to 8am - Sunrise Meditation and Yoga
Imagine yourself at sunrise, surrounded by the tranquility of a peaceful landscape. You can start your day with a guided meditation, allowing your mind to calm and refocus, and practice the movements of yoga, where each flowing posture and deep breath connects you to your body and the vital energy that animates it.

8am - Balanced and Revitalizing Breakfast
After your morning practice, enjoy an exquisite breakfast prepared with fresh, local ingredients. An assortment of fragrant teas, fresh fruit juices and tropical fruits await you, accompanied by an authentic Indian breakfast that awakens your taste buds and nourishes your body.

9am to 12pm - Personalized Ayurvedic Cures
Immerse yourself in the ancient Ayurvedic tradition with personalized treatments designed to restore the natural harmony of your body and mind. From soothing therapeutic massages to specific treatments tailored to your individual needs, each session is designed to eliminate tension, revitalize your vital energies and revive your inner radiance.


Amrita Bindhu, the spa part of the center, continues the family tradition of Sarva Atma. Most of the plants used for treatments come from the garden.

On arrival, you'll meet the doctor for a chat. The consultation is in English, with translation provided by Sarva Atma (or another interpreter). After a physical examination and an interview, the doctor will establish a diagnosis and a treatment protocol.

Each day, you'll receive a daily 1h15 treatment: a full-body Abhyanga massage with oil (made on site from coconut or sesame oil and prepared with Ayurvedic herbs). + a special treatment prescribed by the doctor. This may be Dhara (oil on the forehead), Khizi (warm herbal pads), Sudation, ... . It depends on your case and your state of health. This treatment lasts from 15 to 20 minutes.

You'll then shower in hot water and relax for a while before moving on to another activity. Every day, food is prepared on site using vegetables and legumes. Very little gluten. Spices present but not spicy.

Treatments are provided by qualified and experienced staff. Women are massaged by masseuses and men by masseurs. Finally, at the end of your stay, you will meet the doctor again for your check-up. If you wish, you can take the rest of the treatment home with you.

1pm - Lunch
After a rejuvenating morning, enjoy a balanced lunch where every bite is an invitation to consciously nourish your body and extend the benefits of your morning treatment.

3pm to 6pm - Enjoy Your Free Time
The afternoon is yours to explore the surroundings surrounding your retreat. You have the freedom to personalize your experience:

Guided tours : Immerse yourself in local history and discover the region's culture and customs on guided tours.

Free time: Take advantage of free time to rest, read in the center's library...

Activities with guides: You can also take part in activities organized by our guides. Whether it's a session of yoga, meditation, sonotherapy with Himalayan bowls, Acuvibration with Tuning Forks, Kansu bowl or energy coaching.

Each activity is designed to enrich your experience and enhance your well-being.

Whatever your choice, this afternoon is a precious opportunity to recharge your batteries, relax and fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty and cultural richness that surround you. It's a privileged moment to cultivate your well-being and nourish your soul in your own center of tranquility.


During your stay, we offer you the freedom to choose from a variety of activities during your free time. Here's an overview of what you'll be able to choose on site: visits OR free time OR activities with your guides:

Included activities (1 per day maximum)
This list is not exhaustive. The Center reserves the right to introduce you to a surprise activity each morning.

- Cruise on the local backwaters
- Relaxation on the beaches of Kappil or Pozhikkara
- Visit to handicraft stores
- Cooking classes
- Demonstration at a weaver's
- Visit to a local school
- Ayurveda classes
- Market visit
- Village visit
- Stroll in the rice fields
- Visit to the Varkala Ashram
- Visit to a Tantric Temple
- Visit to a Hollow Brick Factory
- Visit to the Pozhikkara Temple
- Soap-making
-Temple visits (Subramanya temple / Shiva temple / Vishwakarma temple / Ayiravally temple / Puttingal Devi temple)


- Meditations and relaxation
- Kansu bowl massage / Sound bowl massage
- Acuvibration (sound therapy) with tuning forks
- Energy coaching

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Activities Not Included (at visitor's expense)

AMMA Ashram
Visit to a spiritual sanctuary (cab not included) - Possibility of a 3-day extension after your stay (not included)

Elephant ride
Enjoy a unique experience for an additional cab fare.

Dance classes

Visit the temples of Shivakinga, Aazhimala and Attukal

Visit Munroe Island
Enjoy an exotic getaway with extra cab fare.

Varkala Beach
A popular destination with additional cab fares.

7pm - Dinner
End your day in style with a dinner that celebrates the richness of local flavors and the benefits of Kerala cuisine.
Each dish is meticulously prepared to stimulate your digestion, promote restful sleep and boost your vitality.

8pm to 9pm - Satsang evening
This will take place 1 evening out of 3, alternating between a free evening and another evening with your guides for a sound bath. The 2 groups will join together for a "love bath" - a unique moment to get your stay off to a great start.

Join the group for a spiritual satsang with several themes of philosophical exchange, spiritual and talking circles, sacred chants, Kirtan, music, dance and sound journeys with the Bols. Participation in the evenings is optional if you feel the need to stay quiet.

It's a magical time to share your experiences, laughter and joy with a caring and inspiring community.

DAY 14 - Back to France!

Start your last day at Sarva Atma with a delicious breakfast, served in a peaceful and inspiring atmosphere. Enjoy the local flavors and fresh ingredients while soaking up the serene atmosphere of the center one last time.

After this invigorating moment, depending on your departure flight time, a cab from the center will take you to Trivandrum International Airport.

Goodbye Kerala! This phrase resonates with gratitude for the memories created, the enriching experiences had and the benefits derived from your stay at Sarva Atma.

You'll take with you not only warm memories, but also new energy and serenity, ready to continue your journey with a renewed perspective.


Formalities : Passport valid for more than 6 months after the visa expiry date, and must contain 2 blank pages.

VISA REQUIRED (takes about 8 days) - available online at

Climate : Kerala, in southern India, enjoys a tropical climate with warm temperatures all year round. January temperatures generally range from 22°C to 29°C.

Time difference and flight: Flight time from Paris: approx. 12h (excluding stopover)
Time difference: +4h30 from Paris

Miscellaneous : Currency: Indian rupee (INR)
Electricity: 230V, no adapter needed at the center - Wifi available

Health : If you are already taking any medication, please bring it with you, along with your prescription. This can be mentioned to the doctor on site.

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