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VALUING AND ENRICHING Apprenticeships abroad

For wellness, sports and beauty training centers and schools.

Offering a module or a complete apprenticeship abroad to complement your overall training in France is an exceptional opportunity for your students to enjoy a highly enrichingexperience.

In total immersion, your students benefit from this unique experience to develop their learning in a stimulating environment, enabling faster and deeper assimilation of knowledge, and optimizing training effectiveness.

You can choose torun the training yourself orjoin a partner learning center, selected with the support of our local partners.

In addition to the educational aspect, your training abroad is a great opportunity to discover a new destination. Together, you’ll enjoy free time to explore the cultural, historical and natural riches of your host country, all organized by WELLNESS VOYAGES.

Last but not least, it’s also an opportunity to bring your former students together during a stay, and offer them workshops and refresher sessions, or explore new trends in their worlds.

For franchises, institutes and other businesses in the wellness, sports and beauty sectors.

With WELLNESS VOYAGES, sending your employees abroad for training in countries renowned for their expertise in wellness and the learning of specific disciplines can offer your company many advantages.

Training abroad allows your employees to immerse themselves in local philosophies and lifestyles, which can positively influence theway theywork and interact with your customers.

They learn directly from local experts, acquiring a deeper, more authentic training that may be difficult to find elsewhere.
As a result, you offer services that stand out from the competition, and reinforce your company’s credibility and image as a leader in its field.

Finally, by offering training opportunities abroad, you show your employees that your company is investing in their personal and professional development .
This can boost their motivation, commitment and sense ofbelonging to your company.


Nancy Giraudeau

“A naturopath since 2017, my expertise revolves around the prevention of physical and moral health, essentially through the use of plants and essential oils…”

Patrick Vitel
City psychotherapist

“Coming from a sports background as a skier, then an extreme sportsman, I became passionate about tennis to the point of playing, enormously… Then, for 25 years, I was an actor in Metropolitan France and Drom as an executive with the FFT…”


Anne Gaboriau
Managing Director, OPLUS BUSINESS

“I’m a seasoned instinctive, and an assertive leader! I get to the heart of the matter and break down the barriers of appearance to focus on my customers’ assets…”